Sunday, March 23, 2008

Inspection Tuesday Morning...

So we're on to the next step with the house. The inspection is Tuesday morning, and I'll be there taking pictures (this time I'll remember). Of course, I'm worrying that something is wrong with the place (like haunting or structural damage) but in the meantime I'm dreaming about the wardrobe system I'll be installing in the little bedroom of the place and organizing the kitchen in my head. For now, here's the link to the pictures I took on my iPhone when we signed all of the preliminary paperwork. Closing date, by the way, is May 16th!
New House?


Cronkled said...

Hopefully it will rain on Tuesday. Inspections are better in the rain. For Reals Yo. Good luck!


Arin said...

Thanks Alx - no rain, but the best inspector ever! I'll give you his name so that you, Lula, Rai, & Falcore can get yourselves a real nice house!