Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rochester Visit

So, in the middle of all of this total insanity of new jobs and end of Fringe Festival, Andrea and I took a little road trip to Rochester to spend some quality time with friends. I didn't take nearly enough pictures but we did see just about everyone we could in a 48 hour period!
Des and Maison's toy-littered front yard with (with Fennel and Andrea in the foreground and Pancetta the Pig in the background) pretty much sums the trip up. Violet (see second picture) was simply exhausted. Click here for more pics, including some of Andrea's BEAUTIFUL nephew Makhi and the lovely Madonia kids. Oh yeah, there are also pictures of the Tubia-Scahill hellions!
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Second Annual Spring Garden Beer Olympics

Ridiculous outfits. Slosh ball. Gym class rejects. Beer. Add in a little perfect weather and you've got the Second Annual Spring Garden Beer Olympics. I don't think I can actually explain this event - you may just have to look at the pictures. All I can say is that we started the day with an opening ceremony complete with a torch and the Star Spangled Banner and ended it with beer pong and a Miller Chill bottle. You'll have to look through the photo album and discover the rest of the highlights yourself. My muscles are too sore.

Your captains, Dan and Arin, would like to thank you for all of your hard work. See you next year!

Seafood Extravaganza II

Before the lovely Shawnda Urie and the handsome Chris Holden left town to buy houses and have babies, we celebrated the feast of fish. Rachel, Kendra, Andrea, Chris, Shawnda and I played some Twister, soaked ourselves in butter, and ate until we could no longer move. Then, because it was the next natural step, we put small dog shirts on our fat fat cats. You can see all of that and more if you follow this link.

We'll miss you Chris and Shawnda! Rochester is lucky to have you back.