Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Violet Viriginia Taylor-Sullivan

Holy crap. We adopted a dog.

Kathy and Vicki found this chihuahua wandering around outside of their apartment building at 5th and Cecil B Moore. She had a plastic zip tie around her neck, was super skinny, and was perhaps living in an abandoned building. Since Kathy and Vicki already have three dogs (three!) they were looking for someone to take the chihuahua. When Kathy mentioned her at breakfast (Honey's Sit-n-Eat - best ever breakfasts!) we thought we'd check her out. It was love at first sight and after a trial period with our cats (will they claw her eyes out?) she got to stay with us.

I have now lost my mind and am buying her clothing (like the above pink coat with hood) and making her shirts out of old socks. The dog is ALWAYS cold, as a mexican dog might be expected to be, so we pretty much keep her dressed all the time. What? A dog that is also a doll and accessory? The hell you say! So, anyway, here are pics of Violet Viriginia. We also call her "Shakes". And you can thank Adrienne for the Halloween shirt!

Oh! And to add further testiment to my insanity, here is a link to a group I just joined: Philly Chihuahua Meetup Group
Click and enjoy!