Wednesday, March 26, 2008

One Step Closer to Homeownership

Okay folks, we had the inspection yesterday morning and the results are in: the house is not haunted and we didn't get any really bad news. Sure, there are a couple little roof issues and the bathroom door doesn't actually close all the way (still want to come over for dinner?) but it's in solid shape altogether.

So now we finish all this crazy paperwork for the mortgage, do some negotiation around some of the issues we did find (dad, can you un-reverse the polarity in a couple of outlets for me?), and keep our fingers crossed until our May 16 closing date. In the meantime, I'm going to try to stop going to Ikea once a week (I've been there three times in as many weeks) and try to unload our apartment. Anyone want a 1.5 bedroom with back yard in the Art Museum area?

We took more pictures and updated the album - click on the slideshow below to check them out!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Inspection Tuesday Morning...

So we're on to the next step with the house. The inspection is Tuesday morning, and I'll be there taking pictures (this time I'll remember). Of course, I'm worrying that something is wrong with the place (like haunting or structural damage) but in the meantime I'm dreaming about the wardrobe system I'll be installing in the little bedroom of the place and organizing the kitchen in my head. For now, here's the link to the pictures I took on my iPhone when we signed all of the preliminary paperwork. Closing date, by the way, is May 16th!
New House?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cross Your Fingers...

We made an offer on a house at 1350 N Palethorp. That's about a block and a half north of Girard between Front and Second Streets. The offer's in to the seller, so let's all keep our fingers crossed that:

  1. they accept the offer
  2. the inspection does not reveal some crazy structural damage, horrible plumbing, and/or dead bodies in the basement
  3. all of my careful budgeting pans out

Here's the link to the listing, please don't outbid me!



Sunday, March 02, 2008

I found it!...

...but it's out of our price range.

So we went to a couple open houses today. We looked at houses for $239,000 in the Queen Village and Bella Vista neighborhoods and discovered that they're not very big and tend to have wildy windy oddly carpeted stairs. Andrea hates these stairs and I broke the railing in one house (or it came off in my hand and I shoved it back into position on the wall...). Anyway, it turns out that even if we could afford these places we don't want them. They are small, cramped trinities and violet would have a hell of a time with the stairs. And our furniture wouldn't fit in the living room.

After our open house adventure we went home and I took the lovely Violet for a walk. We ran into an open house at 2214 Brandywine and I decided to see how the other half lives. Well, they live well. In fact, they live exactly how I'd like to live. $625,000 would buy me the perfect house. Although I told the woman that it was "just" out of my price range it is obviously well beyond our ability to buy it. I'm including the link so that you can fall it love with it and then slit your wrists just like I did: 2214 Brandywine Street.